Dayalbagh Educational Institute

Quality Content

Learn from experienced and seasoned instructors

Career Oriented Courses

Industry-oriented courses ranging from textile to neural networks

Learn at Your Pace

Learn at your pace using our state-of-art and user-friendly platform

New Courses

Check out some of our recently added courses. Course material includes videos, 
question banks, assignments, seminars, and lots more.


ACM 603: Securities and Capital Market Laws


ABM 602: Investment & Portfolio Management


ABM 601: Corporate Social Responsibility

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Education, more education, education made perfect is the only panacea for our country’s ills and evils. With more and real education I daresay we can easily raise the general level of intelligence of its teeming millions, create, in its future generations, the habit of clear and deep thinking and of appreciating new values that turn the acquisitive impulse of its people from its present direction to the direction of truth.

Revered Sir Anand Sarup Kt.

August Founder of Dayalbagh

Our Partners

We have memorandum of understanding (MOU) and are in close collaboration
with multiple universities across the globe